Pharo bull sale in Burlington Co.
We need to buy two additional heifer bulls. We have 358 heifers we want to expose to bulls this time around. About 80 of those will be fall calving.
We chose the Pharo genetics because of their calving easy but also because of their grass efficiency, muscling ability, fly resistance, 3 and 4 frame size and other performance traits.
Our goal is to create a cow herd that works for us instead of us having to work for them. We want them to thrive out in the pasture with little inputs from us. In this way we can produce the highest quality heifers for our customers.
The idea takes some thinking. We are no longer focused on weaning weights but pounds of beef produced per acre. Our cows are somewhat smaller, deep bodied, easy fleshing animals. Because of their size it is possible to run more cows on a given acreage. More calves makes up for the smaller weaning weights and in many cases produces more pounds of beef per acre at a reduced cost.
Our next production sale will be in 12-22 at the Geary Oklahoma Livestock Auction. Hope to see you there. We will have both Pharo influenced and non-Pharo heifers available. We will also have about 80 Pharo influenced heifers that are fall cavers for sale in the spring of 23.
God bless!